Yukon Gold

There's gold in those Yukon hills... and in the landscape, the scenery, the air...  Since we've been here I've managed to plot a script, a Children's book, and get excited about writing book two of The Immortal Descendants.

And I just finished reading A Discovery of Witches, the discovery of which (sorry) is that I've written a grittier, more urban YA echo of that book.  Okay, maybe not really, but there are definite comparisons to be made.  A female protagonist who doesn't realize her power.  A love interest who holds all the intellectual cards.  A world where intermarriage/mixing is forbidden, and bad guys from said world hunting the protagonist and her love.  And lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Hmmm, not really sure what to do with that revelation.  Use Deborah Harkness's wonderful success to market my own book (book 2 of her series comes out on Tuesday), or continue along the path I've laid for myself.  Any thoughts or insights would be welcome.  For now, I'll just keep following the rainbow in front of me.

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