This is one of my favorite notebook covers I've made, especially the "adult version" of the Harry Potter book cover and the Shepard Fairey art.  I've always been a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes mysteries and am trying to entice my boys into the same love of his sleuthing genius.  The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laurie R. King, and the BBC 2-season series, "Sherlock" are my favorite re-imaginings of the original stories. 

I have a weakness for elegant solutions and Arthur Conan Doyle was the master.  Maybe it's why most of my scripts are mysteries and I'm so proud of my Private Investigator's license.  As a 12-year-old in Katmandu, I stumbled upon Enid Blyton's Five Find-Outers and Dog Mysteries and The Black Hand Gang at the used bookstore and still remember the girl who waved her "evenly-tanned arms around" claiming her valuable watch had been recently stolen. 

My favorite mystery writers give me several different options for possible solutions, and then surprise me with something that was there all along.  And when they can do it with a little smart humor along the way I know I've found another book to recommend to friends who love to read.

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