Free kindle copy promotion - January 24-28 on Amazon

Whew! I finally committed. Marking Time will be offered for free to anyone with a kindle or kindle app on their phone, iPad, computer, etc, for five days - January 24-28th.  I will make no money, Amazon will make no money, but during those five days anyone with an Amazon account can download my book for free to keep forever.

"Why do that?" some may ask. "Isn't selling books about making money?"
"Eventually. Maybe. On the Film rights. If I'm lucky." I answer. Very lucky. Like striking gold in the Yukon with a pickax and a gold pan lucky. Or stumbling over the pot at the end of the rainbow and not pissing off the Leprechaun lucky.

But first, it's about finding readers. Readers who like urban fantasy, or Jack the Ripper, or time travel, or like one lovely reviewer, who never reads novels but enjoys science and history and found them both buried in the layers of story in Marking Time.

So I'm offering my book for free to everyone. Then maybe, just maybe, if enough people read it, review it (please review it - Amazon, Goodreads, out loud to your neighbor... pretty please?), recommend it to friends, read the second book and the third, and hopefully the fourth and the fifth (yes, there will be five - I'm saying it out loud), then maybe it'll take on a life of it's own and won't need so many nudges, shoves, pushes and kicks from me. Sheesh! Who knew writing the book would be the easy part?

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